America makes no sense without a deeply held faith in God—and I don't care what it is.

07 November 2023

"this is how they (the Founding Fathers in 1776) explained those: "we hold that all men are endowed by their Creator..." not by the accident of their birth, not by the color of their skins or by anything else, but "all men are endowed by their Creator". In other words, our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don't care what it is. With us of course it is the Judeo-Christian concept, but it must be a religion with all men are created equal.

This is a statement by the 34th president, Dwight Eisenhower. This resonates loudly and clearly even unto todays present time. I personally deeply believe that it seems that there is great anger and hostility within a vast number of people toward the notion of religion and spiritual matters within America. Since I suspect this to very much be the case among a great and growing number of people within the United States, it seems to be very worrisome and wrought with anxiety.

I do firmly believe there is so very much wisdom and care infused with the scripture. Scripture is a very deep and complex subject that I know that I most certainly know terribly little about. I think of the entire world that I've been learning about little by little and what I've found in my 34 years of life so far pertaining to scripture is that it is most certainly an immense and very difficult subject to be able to arrive at a concise and all-inclusive type of unifying conclusion.

It does seem absolutely apparent to me though that most certainly the generations of the past had invested essentially their entire lives from the basis of the scripture of the Holy Bible. I am very confident that an immense amount of suffering and sacrifice was put forth in relation to the scripture contained within the Holy Bible. From what I can say with utmost confidence about a concise and clear conclusion provided by the scriptures of the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ is the main figure that everything entirely depends and is based on.

It does seem to me that ultimately everything that ever was and that is and that will be in the future is entirely dependant upon he who is known as Jesus Christ. Ultimately it seems to me that the most important relationship a human being ought to focus upon with all of their heart, mind, body, will and strength is their relationship with Jesus Christ first and foremost.

Peace be with you.